Country Life

Country Life
Country Life 18x36 oil painting by Mary Mapes

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Little King Charles nearly finished. 
11x14 finished

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Busy with Custom Portraits

For months I can have little or no commissions then all of a sudden around thanksgiving tons of orders poor in wanting paintings by Christmas some even before that.  Day 1 of the painting marithon.  Yesterday was spent sketching and making sure I was on same wave length as the clients.  All boards were gessoed and lightly colored a couple of days ago.  The first ones pictured received their backgrounds today.  On the last one I have started roughing in the hair nose and eyes.  Lots of work, must get back to work. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Painting Day - Nova

This is Nova.  Nova was adopted by a young girl in Newfoundland.  He and his sister were left in a box along the roadside.  He is a spirited, active fellow who delights his humans.  Nova will be ready to head for Canada after Thanksgiving. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

eBay Grrrr Problems

This is a painting of Shadow from a picture of her prior to her death.  She was painted after the client contacted me on an ebay posting that offered several sizes for people to choose from.  Today I got a notice from eBay that I couldn't offer more than one size.  The listings have to be for one size only and I must list all paintings in single listings for the cost of that size.  More money for ebay that I can not afford.  I am seriously thinking of quitting ebay, it is a lot of hassle for little reward. 

My Review of Derwent Inktense Colored Pencil Sets

Originally submitted at Jerry's Artarama Art Supplies

Pencil to ink in just one wash!Water-solubleRound 8 mm barrelWide 4 mm corePen and ink offers strong, intense colour combined with a translucent effect. Now you can enjoy these distinctive qualities in an easy to use pencil. Inktense has a highly blendable texture and comes in a range of jewel-like...

Great travel set
By Roanmare from Michigan on 11/18/2011
5out of 5
Pros: Best
Cons: Best
Best Uses: Personal
Describe Yourself: Professional
I have a complete set of Derwent Intensives, bought this smaller set to travel with. They have improved the carry wrap by putting a bottom flap so that pencils do not slip out. Big Plus! I add a few lighter wc pencils to make complete range of colors. I use a brush to hit the colors and paint. I rarely use them as pencils but the option is always there. A plus is that once dried the color does not bleed or pick up.
Tigress ACEO

Tags: Made with Product

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Memory Problems-

It took me several minutes to remember how to get back to my blog page-frustrating.  Today's entry are a pair of cute dogs that I have finished painting.  Loved doing the pair.  I am quite busy painting portraits for clients that need to be done by end of the month so that I can get them dried and delivered.  Right now I am too sleepy to paint.  Had a lovely visit with some old friends, must do more of that kind of thing.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Back online and posting

After months of net problems, then computer virus and lately electrical problems, I was able to get things working right, but had to start over as everything was taken off my computer.  I had to put all programs back on and naturally I am having problems getting some to work.  Oh well.  I have not been able to paint everyday as planned but will try to remedy that.  I have been busy painting commission dogs and cats.  Here is one interesting cat who must have nine lives as he is 21 years old and still going.